The Eye Travels

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The Buffalo

It takes all the focus, perseverance and will in the world and far beyond this physical realm to rise above the traumas imbedded in our DNA, our animalistic nature our environment, circumstances, the ways we were wronged and even the negative actions people close to us and in our families have done that we must repent for— if one person doesn’t stand up and stop the vicious cycle within their own life and family, who will?

If we fail to create peace in ourselves and in our own homes, can we expect peace on earth?

What does it take to be that person?

To be different?

If you’re just beginning to scratch the surface of an epic endeavor like this or have been working at it for a long time, do not be discouraged, allow yourself to feel the hopelessness that comes in waves—Returning to the most basic function we have control over—our breath—is empowering. Ride the feelings and the air flowing into your lungs like a surfer on the board.

Surfers don’t ride waves because it’s easy and harmless. Alpinists don’t climb mountains because it’s comfortable. They do it for the challenge, the glory and nirvana. And there’s only one way to get there, you keep showing up.

For a long time I thought brute force of Will is what perpetuates change, but changing human minds is so complex, Will is not enough.
This is where Creativity and Imagination come into play.

Albert Einstein asserted:

 “Imagination is more important than knowledge.”

When a young mother asked Einstein what she should read to her son, so that he could grow up to be a brilliant thinker like him, he replied, “Fairy tales.”

When she asked what she should read him next, Einstein replied, “More fairy tales!”

Einstein believed that fostering children’s imaginations is crucial for their development and for shaping their future contributions to society.

“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.” 



Images by Kezi Ban

Wearing Silvia Tcherassi