Beauty Trend to Try: Rouge Lips

Rouge Lips for fall? Groundbreaking.

 Year after year, I can always count on this trend to come back. To be completely honest I feel this this is no longer a trend, yet a classic for fall and winter. A berry lip will always be one of my favorite beauty looks for the colder months of the year. Last season I walked into Bergdorf Goodman and told the women at the Chanel counter I wanted Oxblood for my lips. She stared at me in sheer terror for about five seconds until she realized I was describing a shade for my lips. I’d advise asking for a berry stain rather than oxblood during your future beauty counter visits.

While this beauty look is a bit whimsical and fun, it isn’t always the easiest to pull off. Here are some tips on looking chic and keeping your pout in place.

Embrace your pale glow! Clean skin, slightly contoured cheeks and natural eye lids keep the look soft and approachable.

If you go for a matte lip, keep your skin dewy by adding a highlighter, like RMS Beauty Luminizer, to the tops of your cheekbones and a clear gloss, like this Face Gloss from Milk, to your eyelids. If you end up wanting to have a glossy lip keep your skin more matte so that the two aren’t competing.

 Keeping your color actually on your lips may be the most difficult thing to do. Lining your lips first, and applying a sheer setting powder between lipstick layers is a guaranteed way to keep your pout in place. Try using Nars Light Reflecting Setting Powder or this setting powder from Sephora.

Go conquer fall with your new lips!


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