Beauty Trend to Try: Glitter

Traditionally we reserve glitter for birthdays and New Year's Eve. Sparkles on the face may seem a bit loud, yet if executed correctly can be quite angelic and whimsical. I believe that fall and winter are opportune times to try more pronounced makeup choices.

One of the first things we notice about someone is their eyes, and this is the perfect feature to begin experimenting with glitter.

Follow suit from Burberry and place gold glitter onto the outer edges of your bottom lash line. Use a dab of eye gloss and a pinch of Burberry’s Shimmer Dust to each eye.

If you’re a little nervous about applying sparkles directly to your face, replace your black cat eye with a liner from Too Cool for School  or Urban Decay.

Have long blunt bangs? Line the underside of your eyebrows with silver or gold glitter, like the makeup from the runway of Giambattista Valli. I recommend Anastasia Metallic Luster Liner.

While glitter lips may be something we saw on the SS17 runways there is absolutely no reason to not incorporate this trend into your beauty routine now. Pat McGrath lead the way with her Lust 004 Lip kit, which basically sold out within moments of its release—here's hoping it will restock soon. You can also use this glitter from Make Up Forever on just about every part of your body. Both Fendi and Versace executed the trend in their runway shows as well.

 No, this is not the most practical of trends, yet when has practical and fashion really ever gone together? Fashion is an art form and your body is the canvas which includes the makeup you apply day to day as well. If you do choose to glitter your lips I highly encourage you to check yourself out in every reflective object and mirror you pass. Your lips may get a bit messy . . . . but it's worth it! Glitter-lip means eating, obnoxious facial expressions and kissing are off limits, unless of course you just don’t give a damn. In the words of Rupaul ‘You better work!’

Photos via, Gif via Pat McGrath


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