The Eye Travels

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The Eye Travels To Vienna

Recently I traveled to Vienna, Austria to do a shoot in collaboration with Vienna Wurstelstand for their first episode of an on going series dedicated to designers based in Vienna.

I was thrilled to work on this project because it was shot with my friend Gioia Zloczower, who I met during NYFW two seasons ago. Gioia and I were both waiting to get into a show at Lincoln Center and I was immediately drawn to her, with her gorgeous voluminous curls and bright, outgoing/happy spirit. She was a true breath of fresh air in that tent (and everywhere.)

Needless to say it was amazing to meet Gioia in her hometown and shoot together. Even though the trip was a quick one day— in and out—we managed to find some time to grab lunch between locations at Gioia's favorite Israeli restaurant, Miznon, an absolutely delicious lunch spot and fun atmosphere that I will not be forgetting anytime soon.

Check out the full article here:

Locations:Hotel Konig von Ungarn & Ruby Hotels