The Eye Travels

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Red Sand Beach

Although this post is not the appropriate order for my Hawaiian blogging extravaganza, I just could not help it, I found myself wanting to look at these photos the most. It is said that the famous ‘Road to Hana’ is about the journey, not the destination, and  I agreed with this statement until I laid eyes on Kaihalulu Beach, the hidden reward at the end Hawaii's most celebrated scenic journey. An unmarked trail in an open field—which happens to be private property—is where the adventure to red sand wonderland begins. Once you actually find the trail head it is a relatively quick hike for athletic types and those wearing proper footwear. Simply follow the beaten red path all the way to Maui's own Oz, one of the only red sand beaches in the world, a true gem.

This is my favorite beach in all of the Hawaiian islands, definitely not convenient, but completely worth every bit of effort. Sand made of iron, a hillside of deep red rock with bright green ironwood trees and a perfect row of jagged lava rock to protect the beach from the north shores large and sometimes vicious waves. Pure magic. So perfectly constructed that you think it was man made, yet it was nature that by chance created this red seclusion of wonder. On the side of the cove where the trail descends the beach is so protected by the lava rock that the water is almost still, creating the most gorgeous bluish grey that I have ever seen. Red Sand Beach happens to be a clothing optional destination, therefore I included one exhibitionist for you to find, look carefully!

Photos by Peter and Sam

Bathing Suit by Agent Provocateur