The Jean Jacket
My personal jean jacket woes:1) They're almost always cropped.2) Bending your arm is painful.3) The sleeves are always too short, making it look like you stole it off a child's back.Jean Mantra = One word, Rihanna. Here's to the Queen of Jean...
Let's admit it, we've all dreamed of sporting denim the way Rihanna does, so effortless and sexy, edgy yet feminine. When it comes to jean always ask yourself, "How would Rihanna rock this?" No one does it (or anything relating to style) better than RiRi. I've been searching for the perfect jean jacket for about 4 years now, searching everywhere really. Starting with the typical J. Crew, Levi, Rag & Bone, Gap...but nothing, years passed and still no luck. I scoured vintage and thrift stores alike, Second Time Around's and Buffalo Exchange's. My last hope to find this jean jacket was at the Williamsburg flea, I mean if my jean jacket wasn't somewhere in Brooklyn, where could it be?? But nothing. Peter finally came to the conclusion that maybe I wasn't meant to wear jean, a valid response after coming up short in Brooklyn, but I persevered, and my faith held strong that one day I would accidentally stumble upon the jean of my dream. Months later I found myself at Rag & Bone in Georgetown and something from across the room caught my eye, a jean material. They always say when you find the right jean jacket you'll just know, and that was it. All this time I had been looking in the wrong place, the women's section. My perfect jean jacket turned out to be a men's Rag & Bone jacket with soft leather sleeves.
My bad gal RiRi face
The Look:Jeans/Jacket - Rag & BoneBlack Cashmere Hoodie - Lot 78Grey Top - Club MonacoClutch - Stella McCartneyShoes - Miu Miu
I like using jean and leather to achieve an edgy/tom boy look, and then adding some playful touches like the clutch and the earrings to make it feminine and girly.
Today for the first time, I took the jean jacket for its inaugural trek around the streets of NY, and yes, someone did say 'that's an awesome jean jacket.' Score! Just like everyone has a soul-mate and a soul tree, we also have a soul jean jacket...somewhere out there.