The Eye Travels

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Happy Earth Day!

To all of those who dedicate their time and resources to the protection, rehabilitation, and conservation of the eco-systems of Africa and the wildlife that inhabits those lands, I dedicate this post to you. Thank you for making the Earth a better place. All photos were taken by Samantha Angelo & Peter Ostrega in Tanzania, The Grumeti Reserve, January 2014.To Tony Fitzjohn and Kevin Richardson (seen below), who have dedicated their lives to raising awareness about lions and the growing fear of their extinction. 

My observation of lions in the wild: Lions are the most loving animals I've ever seen, they show constant displays of love, friendship, admiration, and affection towards one another. Their favorite things to do are roll around in the grass, play and nap with their families, lick/nudge heads, and most of all climb trees. The love within a lion pride is inspirational and unbreakable. I saw nothing else like it during my time in Africa. Although lions have very short life spans (10-15 years) they make the most of packing as much tender love and affection into those years as possible. 

“What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another.”―

Mahatma Gandhi