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Lifestyle Medicine: Cutting Edge Wellness

Most of us think that IV therapy is only used in hospitals for patients with severe dehydration and serious injuries, but this Miami doctor will have you rethinking all previous notions of what preventative healthcare and wellness truly means...

Welcome to Club Essentia Wellness Retreat, a private rooftop oasis at the penthouse of Delano South Beach. This place is much more than a spa, it's a designer medicine paradise, co-founded by 2 time Mr. USA, Dr. Ivan Rusilko, who I had the pleasure of meeting during my first visit to Club Essentia. I was able to see Dr. Rusilko's vision first hand, of creating a new niche in the medical community which he equates to lifestyle medicine.

I first heard about Club Essentia about a year ago, when Peter and I were poolside at the Delano. Our friend Julianne, who works at Delano and is also an artist, told us about the new spa menu which includes tailor made IV's and hyperbaric oxygen therapy. I was immediately intrigued and made an appointment. (Ironically i've always been frightened of needles, yet through the years I've figured out that if you can conquer your greatest fears, than you can do anything.)

Extreme Example:

I used to hate to fly, I would get awful motion sickness, and being an Angelo I was raised to fear the miracle of human flight. Air travel was/is always the last resort in my family. So a few years ago I decided to go skydiving, and I jumped out of a plane. There's a special kind of frisson that comes along with conquering ones fears. The act can be a wonderfully advantageous exercise to strengthen the mind, and test ones willpower.

 I went up to the spa and met with Dr. Rusilko, and right off the bat I could tell he was a lover of life and truly a happy person, after all his motto is, "The best cosmetic procedure is a smile!" Amen. His passion for this unique style of medicine, and his desire to help people  look and feel their best was palpable.  After our short consultation, he concocted  a nutritious arm beverage that would be injected directly into my bloodstream. The feeling of cool liquid going into my veins was somehow refreshing, and within a few minutes I began to taste the nutrients in the IV. I immediately felt hydrated and rejuvenated.

This past weekend I went in for a second visit and met with Dr. Rusilko's assistant, Alex, who created a hydrating, energizing (B-12), and beautifying IV. 

Again I felt fantastic, my skin was radiant and moist, I simply felt good and full of energy...naturally I counteracted this by heading back to the pool for some champagne!  

Topped with a berry colored gauze bow, now that's lifeSTYLE medicine.

"You are your most important asset, invest in yourself." 

- Club Essentia